WHOI and CMA CGM Group deploy acoustic monitoring buoy ...

The buoy deployment aims to aid in the survival of the critically endangered Nor...

Study reveals sunlight can help dissolve oil into seawater

The researchers have discovered that nearly 10% of the oil floating on the Gulf ...

Study finds increasing potential for toxic algal blooms...

Warming Arctic presents potential new threats to humans and marine wildlife

WHOI reveals upgrades to iconic submersible Alvin

One of the world’s most prolific research submersibles will put 99% of the ocean...

New multi-institutional grant will support a fleet of r...

This new network of floats will collect observations of ocean chemistry and biol...

Research: Ocean acidification causing coral 'osteoporos...

Acidification is affecting corals' ability to build their skeletons

Specialized camera system gives unprecedented view of o...

Scientists use a specialized underwater camera system to image plankton in situ,...

Novel tool sheds light on coral reef erosion

"UTube" wave abrasion simulator could aid coastal planning in low-lying Marshall...

WHOI joins effort to accelerate marine life protection ...

From hydrophones attached to buoys or autonomous vehicles, to a passive acoustic...

Freshwater runoff from rivers brings more carbon, nutri...

Higher concentrations of trace elements in surface waters benefit North Pole

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