Tag: IMO

Sterling PlanB, MJR announce cross-Atlantic sales and s...

As pressure to achieve IMO regulations increases, and the UK set to become a gia...

Rivertrace publishes new digitalisation white paper

Rivertrace Limited have published a new white paper on digitalisation, with expe...

IMO Secretary-General denounces “no crew change” clauses

Charterers’ “no crew change” clauses aggravate the ongoing crew change crisis an...

Inmarsat announces its webinar about power cyber resili...

Inmarsat's team present how you can prepare for the IMO 2021 regulation

IMO Environment Committee approves amendments to cut sh...

Draft amendments to the MARPOL convention would require ships to combine a techn...

ABS survey: LNG and hydrogen emerge as future frontrunners

LNG and hydrogen are viewed as frontrunners to be the fuels that will help shipp...

Industry survey shows switch to low-sulphur fuel has no...

The maritime industry’s transition to the sulphur regulation from the Internatio...

DNV GL: Shipowners must stay vigilant to upcoming envir...

The first regulations designed to support the IMO’s greenhouse gas (GHG) reducti...

Just In Time Arrival Guide issued to support smarter, m...

​A new Just In Time Arrival Guide which aims to provide both port and shipping s...

IMO assisting in MV Wakashio oil spill response

Approximately 3,894 tonnes of low-sulphur fuel oil, 207 tonnes of diesel and 90 ...

IMO report on GHG finds a decoupling between trade and ...

The International Maritime Organisation’s fourth Greenhouse Gas Study highlights...

Eight countries come together to align standards for au...

Flag, Coastal and Port Authorities from Eight Countries Come Together to Encoura...

Norway committing US$1.5 million to support improved sh...

Ship recycling in Bangladesh leaps forward with third phase of key project signed

IMO: Digitalization of shipping – more important than ever

Digitalization and new technologies will also be the key to allowing standardiza...

Peru and Ecuador get set to tackle invasive aquatic spe...

​The IMO-led GloFouling Partnerships project is tackling the introduction of inv...

North P&I Club calls for collective action on crew repa...

Crew changes continue to be hindered by quarantining, visa issues and bureaucracy

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