Tag: Gothenburg

Sweden-Belgium Green Shipping Corridor welcomes new par...

By 2030, two ammonia-fuelled ro-ro vessels are expected to operate on the routes...

Channel deepening to support larger vessels and volumes...

To support growing volumes at APM Terminals Gothenburg and the port’s full poten...

Stena Line and Gothenburg Port Authority sign MOU on re...

Stena Line and Gothenburg Port Authority will work together, aiming to relocate ...

Scandinavia’s largest port to start operating hybrid sl...

Service ship to be converted to hybrid operation – saves 680 tonnes of carbon di...

Port of Gothenburg plans extensive deepening of its fai...

In order to receive the world’s largest oceangoing vessels, the fairway leading ...

Digital Berth Planner tool goes liveat Port of Gothenburg

The launch of the new digital Berth Planner tool, Allberth, is underway at the l...

Höegh Autoliners returns to Gothenburg

Höegh Autoliners has announced its return to Gothenburg with a regular direct se...

Stena Line plans to launch fossil free ships before 2030

Ferry company Stena Line plans to start operating two fossil-free battery powere...

Transport giants join forces to make Scandinavia’s larg...

The aim is to cut emissions by 70 per cent by 2030.

New shoreside power system reduces carbon emissions at ...

The Gothenburg Port Authority has been working for a long time to encourage ship...

Europe's first 3D-printed boat launched

A seaworthy boat, 3D printed in one piece, has now been launched in Gothenburg. ...

Carbon dioxide capture solution progressing at the Port...

Five major energy companies in western Sweden have joined forces in the CinfraCa...

Gasum’s bunker vessel Coralius with record number of sh...

End November Gasum’s Coralius delivered liquefied natural gas (LNG) to four vess...

Digital transformation set to produce Port of Gothenbur...

With the aid of AI and digital linking, the Port of Gothenburg will become quick...

Giant DFDS ship makes peak call at North Sea Port

The giant ship came to help out in dealing with the high volumes of cargo that a...

CinfraCap Project: creating infrastructure for the tran...

Göteborg Energi, Nordion Energi, Preem, St1, Renova, and Gothenburg Port Authori...

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