After Dorian: Resolve Marine Group provides Bahamas with a water purifying plant
In response to Hurricane Dorian, the Resolve Marine Group has assembled and launched a critical response barge transporting a water purifying plant to Freeport Bahamas.
The plant system, consisting of three reverse osmosis water purifiers, arrived in the surveyed and cleared Freeport Harbor capable of producing 5,000 gallons of potable water daily and will reduce plastic water bottle usage lessening waste throughout the islands.
The ability to send the relief barge is a result of the Resolve Marine Group’s dedicated 24-hour Hurricane Dorian Response team who immediately conducted a hydrographic and aerial survey enabling the port to reopen. Resolve Marine Group working with Mission Resolve team and other relief partners continues to operate throughout the Bahamas supporting relief wherever possible.
Joe Farrell, Jr President/CEO, said:
"We began immediate response planning knowing that our smallest actions would alleviate the suffering of many. The Resolve Marine Group and Mission Resolve have been fortunate to have so many private partners and assets reach out to us as we move forward in the Bahamas’ recovery."