Tag: catamaran

China’s first purpose-built catamaran CTV is under cons...

Incat Crowther has announced that China’s first purpose-built catamaran CTV is u...

Rolls-Royce supplies mtu solutions for digital service ...

The ferry's automation system has also been renewed

Austal Vietnam delivers 41 metre catamaran ferry to SGT...

Austal Limited has announced that Austal Vietnam has delivered Hull 424, the Mar...

Fountaine Pajot chooses EODev for its hydrogen powered ...

Fountaine Pajot is launching the first project integrating alternative energy so...

Latest ShadowCat Wayfinder delivered with increased cap...

Wayfinder has an impressive carrying capacity which includes a helicopter, five ...

Incat Crowther to design a 53m catamaran passenger ferr...

The vessel will be longer and wider than the 2019-delivered Kilimanjaro VII, mea...

CWind completes sale of 18.5m catamaran to Wood Marine

CWind has completed the sale of their CTV, Endeavour, to Wood Marine, a port ser...

BMT’s latest passenger catamaran ferry is delivered to ...

BMT's latest passenger ferry, designed for Kitsap Transit in the United States, ...

Austal launches VOLTA series of electric-powered high s...

Austal plans to expand the VOLTA series through the development of additional mo...

Aulong delivers third high-speed catamaran ferry to Blu...

“Xin Hai Chi” has been delivered to Blue Sea Jet of China

Ireland’s first catamaran wind farm service craft under...

Incat Crowther has announced the start of construction of a 27m Catamaran Wind F...

Incat Crowther launches a new robust 32m catamaran

Optimised for through-life efficiency on the offshore Palm Island route, the ves...

World Heritage Cruises’ eighth Incat Crowther catamaran...

The Incat Crowther 35 will be the eighth Incat Crowther vessel for the Tasmanian...

Austal Philippines builds a high-speed catamaran for Mo...

An aluminium plate-cutting ceremony was held at Austal Philippines’ Balamban shi...

Wärtsilä and Pastrovich Studio to develop innovative su...

Wärtsilä has signed a partnership agreement with architect and yacht designer St...

Kongsberg Maritime and Incat sign contract for delivery...

Kongsberg Maritime (KM) has announced a milestone order which will see the compa...

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