Tag: Akvaplan-niva

Equinor pilots autonomous glider survey to map fish pre...

Akvaplan-niva operates autonomous glider to map fish presence and biomass quanti...

Equinor to conduct fish survey at Hywind Scotland Float...

Ocean drone set sail to collect fish data for ‘Hywind Scotland’

Akvaplan-niva will use ocean drones to study calanus mi...

Recently Akvaplan-niva was awarded funding for a new project for expanded use of...

Study: A toxic cocktail in Norwegian waters - chemicals...

A lot of this rubber enters coastal marine environments in Norway, both from tir...

Autonomous unmanned robot will hunt for plastic in the ...

Akvaplan-niva has been awarded a 2 year project by the Norwegian Retailers’ Envi...

Climate warming changes the distribution of marine spec...

Scientists conducted a study about cod movements in Norway

Hydrocarbon seeps fuel biological production in the Arc...

Evidence of hydrocarbon seepage is widespread in the Barents Sea and other regio...

New technology for aquaculture monitoring in Norway

The system has now been deployed successfully under a number of surveys at sites...

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