Tag: crew

OTG adds Compas Crew management SaaS to its market defi...

The merging of cloud-based innovators Netvision significantly grows the capabili...

The Ukrainian captain died on board the ship on the way...

Crew members found the captain's body in the cabin of the ship.

Shipping industry launches the Gulf of Guinea Declarati...

So far, over 160 maritime companies, organisations and flag states have signed t...

IMO launches a year of action for seafarers

The World Maritime Theme for 2021 is dedicated to seafarers, highlighting their ...

ITF: Fiji government must step in over ferries scam, ri...

Seafarers have been made homeless and left stranded thousands of kilometres from...

MSC ends “Anastasia” cargo ship ordeal with crew change...

Bulk carrier ANASTASIA’s crew to disembark on 10 February in Japan, before ship ...

Over 300 companies join forces to help resolve a humani...

They have signed the Neptune Declaration on Seafarer Wellbeing and Crew Change

Shipping demands vaccine priority for seafarers amid cr...

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) is leading calls for governments to ...

Lauritzen Bulkers signs the Neptune Declaration on Seaf...

This is a global call to action to address the ongoing crew change crisis focusi...

IMO Secretary-General denounces “no crew change” clauses

Charterers’ “no crew change” clauses aggravate the ongoing crew change crisis an...

‘Esvagt Njord’ rescues seven injured fishermen

The crew of ‘Esvagt Njord’ Service Operations Vessel has performed a rescue oper...

New 24-hour helpline launched for professional yacht crew

From today, professional yacht crew anywhere in the world will be able to access...

ITF: Ukrainian seafarers caught in Kharatyan scam, but ...

On 12 August, the International Transport Workers’ Federation-affiliated Marine ...

Shell Shipping and Inmarsat offer $13,000 prize for sol...

Inmarsat, Thetius, Shell Shipping and Maritime launch ‘crew welfare open innovat...

North P&I Club calls for collective action on crew repa...

Crew changes continue to be hindered by quarantining, visa issues and bureaucracy

Damen delivers custom RHIB to Naarden Lifeboat Brigade

Custom Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat to Naarden Lifeboat Brigade

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