Plastics-gatherer vessel sets sail for the Dominican Republic

Feb 23, 2020 - 19:37

The Interceptor 004, a vessel that will gather plastics o the Ozama River and prevent them from reaching the Caribbean Sea, has already set sail for the Dominican Republic from Rotterdam port in the Netherlands.

Rivers are the main source of ocean plastic pollution. They are the arteries that carry waste from land to the ocean. The Ocean Cleanup's research found that 1000 rivers are responsible for roughly 80% of the pollution.

Working together with government leaders and private corporations, The Ocean Cleanup's goal is to tackle these 1000 most polluting rivers, all over the world, by 2025. How? By deploying Interceptors. 

The Interceptor is The Ocean Cleanup’s answer for river plastic waste. It is the first scalable solution to prevent plastic from entering the world’s oceans from rivers.