LNG vessel Coralius makes 500th safe and successful bunkering

Gasum’s LNG bunker vessel Coralius recently made its 500th bunkering of LNG in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Nov 29, 2022 - 14:39
LNG vessel Coralius makes 500th safe and successful bunkering
Photo: Gasum

Over the last five years Coralius has safely and successfully bunkered 109,567 mt of LNG to a vast array of vessels – oil tankers, car carriers, shuttle tankers, dry cargo carriers, cruise ships, expedition vessels, ferries.

Coralius made its maiden bunkering in September 2017 and is owned by Anthony Veder and Sirius Shipping. At the time of commissioning, Coralius was the first of its kind, a purpose built LNG bunker vessel.

The 1A Ice Classed Coralius was designed specifically to safely discharge large quantities of LNG to its receiving vessel in a short period of time. The flat working deck is especially engineered for safe side-by-side operations.

Coralius itself is completely powered by LNG. Compared to other marine fuels, LNG drastically cuts both sulphur oxide (SOx) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions and lowers carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions which makes it currently the most viable alternative fuel for reducing emissions.

The LNG the Coralius has bunkered thus far has saved up to 50 000 mt CO2 when compared to the same amount of bunker oil (MGO) being used by vessels.