Tag: recycling

The aquaculture sector is aiming at better plastic recy...

There is enormous potential in the aquaculture sector to generate circular econo...

Vattenfall sets a target to recycle all dismantled wind...

Turbine blades from Dutch Wind farm Irene Vorrink will be the first to enter the...

Launch of world’s first recyclable wind turbine blade f...

Siemens Gamesa launches the RecyclableBlade, the world’s first wind turbine blad...

Crowley Maritime Corporation becomes first U.S. Ship Op...

Crowley Maritime Corporation has become the 13th ship owner-operator to publicly...

American Hellenic Hull Insurance Company joins the Ship...

American Hellenic Hull Insurance Company (AHHIC) has announced that it has becom...

NYK participates in ship recycling transparency initiative

On May 11, NYK became the first Japanese shipping company to join the Ship Recyc...

UK supply chain urged to seize economic opportunity fro...

At-scale recycling of wind turbine blades is an important first step towards ach...

DecomBlades consortium awarded funding for a wind turbi...

A consortium consisting of ten project partners has received funding from Innova...

Vroon to recycle three PSVs

Vroon Offshore Services (VOS) has decided to dispose of three platform-supply ve...

Evergreen Marine joins the Ship Recycling Transparency ...

Evergreen Marine Corporation (Taiwan) Ltd. becomes the eleventh shipowner to pub...

DNV GL publishes new guidance on ship recycling


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