Tag: MPA

Singapore MPA announces plans to scale up LNG bunker su...

MPA launches EOI for sea-based LNG reloading and supply of e/bio-methane as mari...

Singapore and Shandong ink agreement for green and digi...

MPA and the Shandong Provincial Transport Department will work with various stak...

Wärtsilä secures pivotal role in developing Singapore’s...

Over the next 15 months, Wärtsilä will collaborate at the MPA's Maritime Innovat...

MPA and GCNS to collaborate in carbon accounting and ma...

The MoU partners will work together to develop training workshops to meet the ca...

MPA and NYK forge partnership to advance maritime susta...

The partnership will include promoting the safe use of maritime fuels such as bi...

Wärtsilä and MPA collaborate in accelerating maritime d...

For instance, MPA and Wärtsilä will collaborate on assessing cyber threats and r...

MPA and Shell sign MoU to accelerate maritime decarboni...

To support the adoption of electric harbour craft, MPA and Shell will identify e...

MPA and Port of Rotterdam to create Green and Digital C...

Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore and Port of Rotterdam to establish worl...

MPA and partners maintain cybersecurity readiness throu...

The three-day table-top exercise on 26, 29 and 30 November, will be conducted in...

MPA launches Notation for Singapore Registry of Ships

The SRS is the first ship registry in the world to introduce such an accreditati...

DBS, MPA complete live bunker delivery financing pilot ...

Successful pilot demonstrates the viability of digitalised bunker financing capa...

PAR: Ports agree to action points in field of disruptio...

19 port authorities from Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East, and the US, signed a...

FueLNG completes Singapore’s first ship-to-ship bunkeri...

Shell’s Aframax tanker ‘Pacific Emerald’ is the first oil tanker to be LNG-bunke...

The Port of Montreal and the Adani Group renew their co...

This new agreement continues the joint work begun in 2018

MPA inks collaborations with partners to advance decarb...

A S$120 million fund for a maritime decarbonisation centre in Singapore

Singapore ratified the Convention on the International ...

It is the first country to do so shortly after it signed the Convention on 1 Mar...

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