Port of Vancouver carries out work on expansion the Centerm terminal

Aug 30, 2019 - 09:47

The Vancouver Fraser Port Authority carries out work to expand the Centerm terminal and upgrade roadways along the south shore of the Burrard Inlet.

Pictured here, you see the Burrard Dock after old rail ties have been removed. During construction, the Burrard Dock will become a temporary parking lot for use by terminal staff. 

Prior to starting marine construction the port will survey the area for crabs and sea cucumbers, then trap or catch them to move them to other areas of Burrard Inlet. It will do this throughout the marine work period.

Dredging and infilling can cause turbidity, which happens when sediment from clay or soil is stirred up in the water. The port will use construction methods that minimize turbidity, such as doing infilling slowly so as not to stir up more particles. Additionally, it will use curtains to control the spread of turbid water, and use sampling buoys at locations away from the area to ensure it is successfully containing the particles until they settle.

The Centerm Expansion Project will allow for a 60 per cent increase in container throughput at the terminal. By carefully reorganizing existing operations, it will be able to achieve this increase while only adding 15 per cent additional land.