New 3D geophysical survey vessel in Japan
On October 29, a delivery ceremony for a new 3D geophysical survey vessel (seismic vessel) was held at the port of Tokyo and attended by NYK chairman Tadaki Naito.
Potential names for the vessel were submitted by the public, and Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) announced the selection of “Tansa” at the ceremony.
The vessel will be operated by Ocean Geo-Frontier Co. Ltd (OGF),* which is a company jointly owned by NYK and others. Through a consignment service agreement with OGF and JOGMEC, NYK is entering the geophysical survey business at the most upstream part of the energy value chain** and making efforts to accumulate experience and technical expertise in new fields. This survey will promote the development of domestic resources and contribute to the discovery of new oil and gas fields in sea areas around Japan. NYK also aims to expand the business by concluding contracts for surveys with private companies, including those based overseas.