VIDEO: One more platform will be added to the Johan Sverdrup field
Next year the jacket will be installed on the field.

The Jacket for the fifth platform on the Johan Sverdrup field is now under construction at Kværner Verda. The footprint on the seabed will be 50X62 metres! This summer the two first sides were rolled up.
Facts about Johan Sverdrup:
- Johan Sverdrup is the third largest oil field on the Norwegian continental shelf, with expected resources of 2.7 billion barrels of oil equivalent.
- At plateau the field is expected to produce 690,000 barrels of oil per day, which will make up about one-third of oil production on the NCS.
- Estimates from 2018 showed that the combined income from production from Johan Sverdrup amounts to 1430 billion NOK (2018) over the life of the field. Income to the Norwegian state is expected to amount to more than 900 billion NOK (2018), from taxes and from the Norwegian state’s ownership of Petoro.
- Each barrel of oil generates less than 0,7 kg of CO2-emissions, compared to the global average of 18 kg of CO2 per barrel. This result is mainly due to electrification of the field.
- Electrification is an important tool for reaching Norwegian and international climate goals. Equinor aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Norway by 40 percent by 2030 and towards near zero emissions by 2050.
- After 2022, Johan Sverdrup will also provide power from shore to other fields on the Utsira High, including Edvard Grieg, Ivar Aasen and Gina Krog.
- The Johan Sverdrup field is developed in two phases. Phase 1 was approved by Norwegian authorities in 2015 and came on stream in October 2019. Phase 2 of the development was approved in 2019 and is expected to start production in Q4 2022.