Tag: WinGD

WinGD records successful early running on X-DF-A ammoni...

A 52-bore single-cylinder version of the X-DF-A engine is running at the company...

WinGD completes first full-load running of X-DF-M engin...

The engine will be installed on the fourth of a series of 16,000 TEU container v...

WinGD wins late engine orders for eight newbuild LNG ca...

Swiss marine power company WinGD has won an order for 16 X-DF dual-fuel engines ...

WinGD seals ammonia-fuelled X-DF-A engine orders for Ch...

Swiss marine power company WinGD has secured further orders for its ammonia-fuel...

WinGD introduces LPG 'pre-fit' option for operators aim...

Swiss marine power company WinGD has introduced an option for its X-DF-A ammonia...

WinGD takes hundredth order for VCR technology for dual...

The milestone order came via a series of four LNG carriers to be built for a Mid...

WinGD and CMA CGM collaborate on trial of first VCR tec...

Swiss marine power company WinGD's Variable Compression Ratio (VCR) technology i...

WinGD completes type approval testing for new short-str...

The tests at Yuchai Marine Power Co (YCMP) confirmed the engine's performance an...

WinGD, Alfa Laval, ABS and K Shipbuilding join forces f...

The design will be reviewed by ABS, with the aim of issuing an approval in princ...

WinGD expands X-DF-A segment reach with AET's first amm...

Swiss marine power company WinGD has secured yet another order for its X‑DF‑A am...

WinGD to debut short-stroke engine design after success...

Swiss marine power company WinGD will record the first installation of its new X...

WinGD and Mitsubishi Shipbuilding agree ammonia fuel su...

As well as the fuel supply system - including a fuel valve unit, fuel conditioni...

WinGD adds MITSUI E&S Tamano Factory to Japanese engine...

The agreement adds considerable engine building capacity and enables WinGD to me...

WinGD and Alfa Laval to advance ammonia engines

Alfa Laval and WinGD have established a partnership in which Alfa Laval will del...

WinGD signs four-way partnership to deliver CMBTECH amm...

"CMB.TECH sees green ammonia as one of the big solutions to decarbonise long-dis...

WinGD debuts Variable Compression Ratio technology on N...

WinGD will realise the first commercial instalments of its new variable compress...

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