SAFEEN Group’s fully electric tug achieves Guinness Wor...

Damen Shipyards Group and its client SAFEEN Group, part of AD Ports Group’s Mari...

Damen Shipyards and SAFEEN Group to bring the first ele...

The RSD-E Tug 2513 will be the first fully electric tug to operate in the Middle...

Damen completes new Shoalbuster 3209 for SAFEEN Group

The primary purpose of the Al Mirfa will be buoy maintenance

SAFEEN expands subsea service capabilities with acquisi...

'SAFEEN Surveyor' will support subsea inspection, repair, and maintenance works

SAFEEN and AMLS launch marine logistics provider OFCO –...

Abu Dhabi Ports enters Global Offshore Services Market with a diversified fleet ...

SAFEEN acquires its largest service vessel to date

Acquisition of the new vessel signals Abu Dhabi Ports expansion into the Solid B...

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