The original Whale Chart focused on helping seafarers plan their voyages and min...
All vessels are built in Italy by Fincantieri, with a total MSC investment excee...
255 employees and the production facility have been transferred to MSC, with the...
This will allow MSC to have the option for adopting ammonia as a zero-carbon mai...
The two new services are specially designed to provide a direct connection, comp...
MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company has announced the launch of a new direct serv...
The Ammonia 2-4 project aims to advance viable concepts for ammonia fuel.
The next phase of MSC’s digitalisation strategy sees the roll-out of Marlink’s I...
The IT solutions provider for the global logistics industry will provide CODEX e...
Integrated solution of Wärtsilä Alternative Fuels Conversion platform for two-st...
A number of specific studies and projects are already lined up for the near future
To further improve efficiency of its fleet, MSC will be deploying an air lubrica...
Second new ship to join brand in 2021, brings fleet to 19 ships
The companies plan to develop a range of safe, sustainable and competitive techn...
MSC Euribia to become second ship in the MSC Cruises’ fleet powered by LNG to ac...
MSC strengthens its presence within North Sea Port. The group will open a new co...