The contracts have been awarded to EEW Special Pipe Constructions (SPC), CS WIND...
With an installed capacity of nearly 800 MW, the wind farm is being developed by...
DEME’s flagship ‘Orion’ completed monopile installation works on Ocean Winds’ Mo...
Wärtsilä Lifecycle Agreement to guarantee operational reliability of new Wind fa...
ABB has secured a contract to deliver shoreside shore connection installations a...
First turbine components successfully fast-lifted in the open Atlantic Ocean
DEME has won several capital and maintenance dredging contracts in India, the Ma...
Set to be the largest offshore wind project in Poland, the 1.2 GW wind farm will...
With 62 turbines located off Dieppe and Le Tréport, the wind farm is set to supp...
The Liftra crane technology will be fully integrated on board DEME’s vessels on ...
SEAVOLT technology (patent pending) can withstand harsh offshore conditions whil...
The Belgian consortium TM EDISON, including DEME and Jan De Nul, has won the ten...
DEME awarded transport and installation contracts for Yeu and Noirmoutier offsho...
After the successful completion of Moray East for Ocean Winds in 2020, DEME has ...
Vattenfall has awarded the export cable contract for the Norfolk Vanguard Offsho...
Installation for first us commercial scale offshore wind farm ‘Vineyard Wind’ ex...