Poseidon launches cyber protection solution

Aug 4, 2019 - 08:34
Poseidon launches cyber protection solution
Photo: cyber protection software ChallengerShield

Poseidon Navigation Services has announced that its cyber protection software ChallengerShield is ready for launch in cooperation with IMO 2021 cyber risk management on board ships.

Poseidon's solution to Cyber Security on the Bridge for file transfers on navigational equipment has been under development and company is ready to go into the market with this new and exciting product. 

IMO has given shipowners and managers until 2021 to incorporate cyber risk management into ship safety, giving the industry another factor to manage. Owners risk having ships detained if they have not included cyber security in the ISM Code safety management on ships by 1 January 2021, that is why Poseidon has developed ChallengerShield as a solution to the Ship Owner.