Danes give go-ahead for offshore wind site studies

The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) issues permits to the Danish TSO Energinet for preliminary site investigations of three possible Offshore Wind Farms sites

Danes give go-ahead for offshore wind site studies

On 16 December 2022, the Danish Energy Agency has issued permits to the Danish TSO, Energinet, regarding initiation of preliminary site investigations in the Kattegat II and Kriegers Flak II areas as well as the new location chosen for the Hesselø offshore wind farm.

The site investigations will be initiated by Energinet in early Q1 2023 and will cover geophysical and geotechnical studies of the areas potentially designated for offshore wind farms and their possible cable corridors, as well as marine biological studies to be carried out in the surrounding areas.

The issued permits do not grant rights to develop the areas in scope but gives Energinet the right to gather relevant data concerning the identified sites. This data will, among other things, contribute to mitigating risks for potential developers as well as provide needed data for the project’s later strategic environmental assessment (SEA).

A potential developer will also be able to use the results of the preliminary site investigations for the environmental impact assessment (EIA) which concrete plans for establishing an OWF will have to undergo at a later stage.