ChartWorld delivers updates to MyRA

ChartWorld has announced the latest round of updates to its digital routing service, My Route Appraisal (MyRA).

Nov 14, 2020 - 22:00
ChartWorld delivers updates to MyRA

MyRA provides both vessels and onshore personnel with a proposed ECDIS-ready voyage plan. The plan is based on a route network, port databases, bathymetry from ENCs, weather forecasts and the relevant ship model. 

The MyRA version 1.4 release rolled out in October 2020 includes the following improvements: 

  • Further simplification of the install process
  • Advanced routing algorithm, considering vessel air draft for voyage calculations
  • New Data Services for weather routing by NAPA and Environmental Voyage Overview by EMH.

The Environmental Voyage Overview available through MyRA is a result of ChartWorld International’s partnership with EMH Systems Ltd. The Environmental Voyage Overview delivers innovative Environmental Compliance, enabling enhanced voyage planning. MARPOL and local environmental regulations are taken into account and, in addition, the EMH Hub web platform will enable shipping companies and managers to have a far greater focus on environmental compliance as part of their voyage planning.

MyRA weather routing by NAPA provides an optimal voyage that includes schedule information as well as performance-related information (such as e.g. speed, propeller RPM, propulsion power and fuel consumption). Performance is evaluated using NAPA’s proprietary model taking wind, wind waves, swell, currents and water depth into account. 

Shipping companies subscribed to MyRA with the NAPA weather service, are given access to the NAPA Fleet Intelligence web portal with full information about the ship and voyage performance.